The European R1b Branches of R-M269

The sequence of “subclades” or branches shows the migration and timing of the movement of the people.
In addition to the two main R1b branches listed above, there were also the:
The Gallic & Iberian R1b Branch (R-DF27)
R1b > R-M269 > R-L23 > R-L51 > R-P310 > R-L151 > R-P310 > R-L151 > R-P312 > R-Z46516 > R-ZZ11 > R-DF27
The Italo-Celtic R1b Branch (R-U152)
R1b > R-M269 > R-L23 > R-L51 > R-P310 > R-L151 > R-P312 > R-Z46516 > R-ZZ11 > R-U152